Application portal

Application via the NJO portal for NJO and EUYO candidates

If you wish to participate in a NJO project and you are eligible (see under the heading 'Eligibility for application' below), and/or if you want to audition for EUYO, you will need to apply in your personal NJO portal.

To the portal

If you don’t have an account yet, please first create your personal account via Create an account. If you experience any difficulties using the portal, please read the instructions for login and audition registration.

Please make sure you read and understand the NJO audition and participation regulations before you register for an NJO project or audition or the EUYO audition rules and regulations before you register for EUYO auditions. By registering at NJO via the portal below, you accept the NJO and/or EUYO rules and regulations. 

Log in to your account in the NJO portal to apply for auditions and projects and to make any changes. Please check whether there are any projects open for applications on our Programme & planning page. If you apply for a video audition is it possible to register first en to add your video later (but still before the deadline). NB. Changing the solo piece you have selected from our list, an auxiliary instrument/specialization and/or your availability is only possible by sending an email to twan

Eligibility for application

All NJO projects are accessible for musicians who are at least 18 years old but less than 27 years old *) who are studying an instrument at a conservatoire in The Netherlands or Belgium as well as for Dutch citizens studying an instrument at a conservatoire elsewhere. Only for positions in the summer projects (summer tour and productions for the Muziekzomer Gelderland) that are still vacant after live auditions in the Netherlands and Belgium, video auditions will be organised for musicians who are not Dutch citizens, who are at least 18 years old but less than 27 years old *) and who are studying an instrument at a European conservatoire outside The Netherlands or Belgium. Elsewhere on this website you will find information about auditions and NJO membership.

EUYO projects, for which NJO organises the first round of auditions, are accessible for musicians aged 16 to 26 years on 31 December of the year in which the audition takes place. Applications to EUYO can be made by all musicians who hold a passport from one of the 27 current European Union Member States. Musicians who are born in the Netherlands, who reside, study or work in the Netherlands or who hold a Dutch passport can apply to EUYO through NJO via the portal below. Elsewhere on this website you will find information about the EUYO auditions. Information about EUYO membership can be found on the EUYO website.

*) at the starting date of the relevant project

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